Joshua 24:15

...But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mission 6 Concert

Last night following the carnival festivities, Abundant Life Church hosted a concert for Mission 6. This is a local tween Christian band that's starting to hit it big. They have appeared on Disney, TBN, and several local tv stations. The girls are just crazy about them now. This was their first concert, and they had a blast. We met up with our friends Mindy and Justin before the concert. The girls just love Justin, and they were glad they got to share the concert with him too. Following the concert, the band signed autographs and met their supporters. The girls went crazy over that!!!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Family Carnival Fun

Abundant Life Church offered a family fun night, free to everyone. The girls were so excited to go. It didn't even matter to them how hot it was outside! They had so many things for the kids to do. Inflatables, Dunk Tank, a Fire Truck tour, jewelry making, face painting, and free give-a-ways! They also offered hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, snacks, a drinks. It was a really fun afternoon. Thank you to everyone at Abundant Life for providing a fun, safe, and love filled time for us!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Soccer Sisters!

This year the girls decided to play soccer.....something Bobby and I know nothing about! Today was their first practice, even though the temp was 100 degrees, with a heat index of 110 degrees (crazy!). The girls did great. They even got over their shyness within the first 10 minutes. I was proud of them. I love the picture of Kaylen cheering. She hasn't played a single sport yet where she wasn't out cheering durring practices. This is going to be a lot of fun!!!

First Day of School 2010-11.

Today is the first day of Kaylen's 2nd grade and Kendall's 1st grade classes. They were both very excited about heading back to school, especially Kendall since this is her first year to go all day. She was most looking forward to having 2 reccess'. Kaylen was looking forward to finding out who all would be in class with her. Here are a few pictures of them showing off their new clothes and backpacks!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Kendall's End of Summer Pool Party

Kendall didn't have an official birthday party this year because she insisted that she wanted a swimming party and that's not gonna happen in March! She came up with a great idea to have a summer party instead, and we combined it with the end of summer and heading back to school. She invited several of her friends, both old and new, and we had such a good time. I didn't take very many pictures because we were in the water most of the time and just having too much fun to mess with the camera!