I am really excited about all the things to come with our women's group! Our church has been going through a tough growing period, and we are now reaping all that has been sewn. I'm thankful for all the sisters I can count on for prayer and uplifting.
We had a TON of food this year. Pizza and breadsticks, and desserts galore. Who can follow a strict diet plan at a party????? I tried more than one treat, I will admit!
We had our annual ornament exchange, followed by the white elephant gifts. I'm always surprised at all the beautiful ornaments that are there. So many different styles and tastes. I love seeing everyone's personalities come out.
The white elephant exchange was hilarious!!!! I think we all agreed that the mannequin head won first prize. However, cat balls (toys that is), a blue duck, and a dead woman's jewelry were all top listers as well. We ended the evening playing a new game. You drew words out of a hat, and then on the spot had to sing a Christmas song that had that word in it. It's harder than you might think! We mixed it up after a while and made people sing as different characters. Such as Johnny Cash, Elvis, Bugs Bunny, and Barney just to name a few. It's been a while since I laughed that hard, for so long. Thanks for a great evening ladies!