Joshua 24:15

...But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Our newest bundle of joy!

The girls have been pet crazed since Allie went away.  They talked about getting a cat, so we got them an outdoor kitty that was only around a few days before it too, ran away.  After that, it was dog talk all over again.  We got Amy about a week ago.  She has fit right in with everyone.  The girls hardly put her down when they are home, but Amy seems to eat it up.  She's already one spoiled little doggie!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


This year we planned an easter egg hunt for the kids.  They all had a lot of fun.  I am thankful that they are still young enough to find the joy in games.  It won't be long before they have outgrown these things and cherish their time with friends, rather than family.  I was blessed to see just how giving, and caring the girls can be.  What an awesome thing for Easter.  The time when Jesus gave His ALL for us!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Eggs!

Ok, so I'm sure I've lost the "Mom Of The Year" award for this one, but hey, we can't all be perfect.  :)  This was the girls' very first time ever making Easter Eggs!  (I know, I know.  I can hear all of your gasps.)  Dyeing eggs isn't something I did as a child, and the tradition just hasn't ever been anything we've taken a big part in.  This year, however, we decided to give the experience a try.  It was pretty painless I must admit.  The girls had a good time making each one special.  We might just have to do this again next year!