We are extremely proud of Kaylen's accomplishments this year. Kaylen entered the first grade with a reading level of 2.0, but ended the year with a reading level of 4.8 and a math score of 3.2. Those levels are way above average, and she just keeps going. She is eager to learn and always strives to do her best. She began the year in Mrs. Hartweck's class, but they quickly moved her into the 'Cluster Group' class when they saw just how quickly she was pulling ahead. By moving into Mrs. West classroom, she was able to receive more challenging work. She ended the school year as a member of the 100 club, meaning she scored at least 100 AR Testing Points throughout the school year. This is quite an accomplishment for her age group. She also received an Honor Roll award and Good Conduct award as well. We are VERY proud of her!
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