Joshua 24:15

...But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Modeling For Fun

Today it's beautiful outside! I gave the girls their choice of what they wanted to do, as long as it was outside. They asked for a Model Shoot!!! It was very cute. I'm not a very good photographer, but here are just a few of the 'snapshots' they gave me. It was a good time. Kendall was done pretty quick after she leaned next to a tree and saw a huge bug, so I wasn't able to get near as many of her. They got to dress up in anything they wanted. They both picked out Sunday dresses and Kaylen even wanted me to put her hair up. She really got into it. I LOVE being a Mom!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Looking Back...

Today was one of those days when my kids where whiny and complained about everything. I'm not sure I got a single 'Thank You' all day. They argued over who got to sit beside Dad endlessly. When they had to clean their room they fought each other over who had gotten out which toys and who's trash was who's. It was just one of those days where I reminded myself countless times that I chose to become a Mother! But as we all settled in for the evening, my daughter climbed up next to me on the couch and said, "I love you Mommy. I'm so glad I get to have you as my Mommy." It just melted the day away. I'm placing some older pictures with this entry to remind me that, indeed, they are only little for a little while!

Monday, June 28, 2010

VBS: The Blind Man Saw It All

VBS was a great success this year. The kids learned a lot and had a blast putting on the play for everyone on Sunday. Kaylen and Kendall got to fight over a baby doll in the play and they did it beautifully. It was very cute. They all did a great job singing for us. Everyone sang loud and danced along. God truly blessed Bro. Mike Bristow with the VBS material. He wrote the entire play and teaching materials on his own! God has truly blessed him with an amazing talent and we are VERY blessed to have him with us at Boonville First!!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Oakdale Express Summer Program

This year the girls got to attend the summer program offered through their school. They got to choose 2 classes to participate in. They chose Lights, Camera, Action which was an opportunity for them to learn more about how to put on a performance using props, costumes, and dance. Their play was called 'A Barnyard Moosical'. It was very cute. Kaylen was a pig, and Kendall was a cow. They each said their own lines and sang songs. The kids painted the background, and their own masks.

Their second choice class was 'Say Cheese'. This class taught them how to use a camera taking pictures of still life, moving objects, and friends and family. The girls had such a good time. Here you see a few of the pictures they took, and the Barnyard Moosical performance.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Scales Lake Fun

The girls got a little spoiled while we were on vacation being able to hit the water everyday. As soon as we got back home they started asking to go swimming. I've never been much of a lake person (if I can't see through it, I ain't gettin in it) but I've slowly overcome this little phobia and let my girls have fun at the lake. They have had a lot of fun playing with their friends, making new friends, and hitting the big slide now that they know how to swim. We even bought season passes so we can 'hit the beach' all summer!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Kids Pirate Cruise

One of the highlights of our vacation was the Pirate Cruise! It was aimed toward the kids, and they definitely kept them entertained the entire 2 hours. It was a blast. The adults got to sit back and relax while the kids played. We saw a dolphin, found a hidden treasure at sea, had a sword fight, shot the cannon, swabbed the deck, got our faces painted, had a water gun fight, and danced. We absolutely recommend it to anyone going to PCB!

Para Sailing- WooHoo!

While on vacation in Panama City Beach, I got to go para sailing for the first time. I got to go along with my Aunt Becky, and it was so much fun! I am a bit afraid of heights, so I was worried at first, but it turned out to be an amazing experience. It was such a smooth ride. Very relaxing. You could really see a lot of the area. We were pulled along for 4 miles, and they dipped us into the water 2 times. Just a fun little bonus to get in the water a little farther out then you might actually swim. We had to ride a banana boat out to the speed boat, and that was actually half the fun! I would love to go out on a banana boat adventure the next time we hit the ocean!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Florida Family Vacation

What a great vacation! We picked the perfect time to head to Panama City Beach, Florida this year. The weather wasn't too hot, the condo and beach weren't ever crowded with people and we made it back home before the big oil spill made it to shore in that area. I'm so glad the girls got to go to the ocean while it's still beautiful! This was our first family vacation so we weren't too sure of how it would all go, but it was wonderful! The girls learned to swim while we were there so we couldn't keep them out of the water. We enjoyed an awesome Pirate Ship Cruise, para sailing, geo-caching, shopping, walking to the Pier, etc. We attempted a pontoon ride over to Shell Island, but that ended quickly once the big storm came our way. I'm almost positive we could hear the Gilligan's Island song playing while we tried to make our way back to the dock! We got to share our trip with Granny and Grandpa, Uncle Bob and Aunt Becky, too.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The First Airplane Ride

Kaylen and Kendall took their very first plane ride today! Granny and Grandpa got to expirience it with them on the way to Florida for their very first Family Vacation. They were so excited about getting to go up and see the clouds. Once they finally made it in the air, Kendall decided she'd had enough excitment and fell asleep. Kaylen enjoyed using the headphones. All in all, it was a great trip for them all.