Joshua 24:15

...But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Para Sailing- WooHoo!

While on vacation in Panama City Beach, I got to go para sailing for the first time. I got to go along with my Aunt Becky, and it was so much fun! I am a bit afraid of heights, so I was worried at first, but it turned out to be an amazing experience. It was such a smooth ride. Very relaxing. You could really see a lot of the area. We were pulled along for 4 miles, and they dipped us into the water 2 times. Just a fun little bonus to get in the water a little farther out then you might actually swim. We had to ride a banana boat out to the speed boat, and that was actually half the fun! I would love to go out on a banana boat adventure the next time we hit the ocean!

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