Joshua 24:15

...But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

6th Annual PraiseFest!

This year's PraiseFest at Boonville City Lake was another success. Thank you Lord! It's a great time to hang out enjoying games, food, and praising our God all day. The children of Boonville 1st Assembly ministered through drama. The girls loved doing that. This year we added a pie in the face contest/fundraiser as well. Vince and Nicole were the lucky winners! I enjoyed singing along with our praise band as well. It was great weather, and wonderful to see a lot of faces that we might not get to minister to otherwise. I'm so grateful for the outreach ministry opportunities that my church organizes through the help of the Lord!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Kaylen's 1st Slumber Party

This year Kaylen got to celebrate her 8th birthday with a slumber party. We had a total girl night! Presents, pizza, cookies, games, painting our nails, watching movies, dancing. You name it! The girls were all very well behaved. Kaylen got a lot of great gifts, and bonded with her friends. I can't believe how much she's grown. She is definitely my little mini-me!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Our First Soccer Game

Today was the girls very first soccer game. They did such a good job. I am very proud of them both. They each had a turn as Goal Keeper, and playing the back field. It was fun watching them learn and become more and more aggressive as the game progressed. I guess it's truly official now.....I'm a Soccer Mom!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Holiday World

Over Labor Day weekend my parents came in to visit with us for a while. They wanted to take the girls to Holiday World while they were here and of course we were game for that! The girls hadn't been all year, so they were ultra excited to get to go. They invited their friend Autumn to come along. Kendall got very brave this year. She rode the Liberty Launch, and her first roller coaster. I think I was more nervous then her! Kaylen was still a bit too nervous, but she had a blast as well. Before we left, the girls wanted their picture taken next to the Christmas Tree. They are pretending to lick the snack decorated ornaments on the tree in the picture above.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Labor Day Weekend 2010

For the holiday weekend this year, we went camping along with the Browns' and the Meleski's. What a great weekend. The weather was beautiful! We had lots of family and friends come out to see us and had great food, and played games, and laughed. It was a great time. We were so entertained the whole weekend that I didn't take many pictures. The kids played on the playground endlessly. They played putt-putt golf several times, rode bikes, ran around on the golf cart, ate tons of junk food, panned for gold, and so much more. It was pretty much the perfect weekend!