Joshua 24:15

...But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The A.R.K. Project: Day 5

Today we took a trip into the grocery store to grab a few last minute things for dinner.  The girls got the opportunity to bless 3 others while we were there.  We took along a few extra Fun-Dip candies to hand out while we were there.  Today was a little harder for the girls.  They both became shy and embarrassed when they started walking towards the others.  I was proud of them though for pushing through that and handing out the candy anyway.  We explained that we wanted them to have the candy BUT they weren't allowed to eat it until Mom and Dad said it was alright.  They were excited to get a sweet treat and the girls felt happy to see them excited.  I was a little worried about how the other parents might feel about a 'stranger handing out candy' but they too seemed pleasantly surprised.  :)

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