Joshua 24:15

...But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The A.R.K. Project: Day 6

Sorry it's taking me so long between posts, but the truth is now that summer is here we haven't been leaving the house much.  That, and the fact that the girls were at church camp this past week has made it difficult to keep up our daily doings.  However, we did manage to go out to dinner last night and we picked right back up where we left off the week prior. ( The girls were excited to tell me about the Acts they did while at camp.  I was so proud!)

I decided that we needed to make a stash of items to keep on hand for those last minute trips we make into town.  We aren't always able to plan ahead for our kindness act.  When we opted to head out at the last minute, we grabbed a small gift bag we had and a small item from our new stash.  We ended up choosing a bottle of scented hand lotion.  We thought it was kind of fitting since we planned to leave the bag on the table after our dinner as a special thank you for our waitress; someone who most likely washes their hands several times while working and might enjoy the extra moisture.  We snapped a quick photo before heading out. 

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