The girls had such a blast getting spoiled by Granny and Grandpa over the weekend. Among a long list of things, they got to go to the Owen County Fair on Saturday evening. When we arrived, they informed us that we were a day early, and the fair wasn't open for rides or booths just yet. They were still setting up all the ride equipment and making test runs. They girls were bummed, but took the news VERY well! While we were talking with the attendants, someone in charge came up and announced that all systems were good to go and if the girls wanted to ride the rides, they were welcome to do so. They gave them stamps on their hands and off they went.
A passing rain storm had gone through and really cooled the temperature, and there was a light breeze. We were basically the only ones there for a long time, so the girls never had to wait in line, and the workers pretty much doubled their ride times for them. They got brave and rode Zero Gravity. (This ride was called the Round-Up when I was a kid!) I was so sure that they would freak out that I secretly told the attendant to keep an eye on them in case he would need to stop the ride early. They had a blast.......it was ME who was wigging out!!!! I couldn't believe it. I was so nervous watching them ride this big ride all by themselves! Those are my babies! They loved it so much they rode it 4 times! Ahh!!!!
It was an awesome weekend. One that I'm sure they won't forget anytime soon!
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