The girls both LOVE the 4-H Fair. This year we decided to go and watch the Hog Wrestling Event before we visited the animals and rides. The girls had a really good time. Of course, we ran into a ton of people we know, and it's always fun catching up.
We started the animal visits with the cows, goats, and pigs area. The girls both held their noses at first, but were excited to pet a cow that was laying down. The pigs smelled pretty ripe so the girls weren't real thrilled with the idea of touching them!
The girls were worried at first that the kids participating in the hog wrestling were (in their words) torturing the pigs, but we explained that it didn't hurt them. They squeal because they don't want to be picked up. Then they were cool with it. I got a great picture of Kaylen's face when one of the girls got dunked in the muddy water trying to pick up a big ol' pig!
We chose a good night to go. No rain, and it wasn't very hot out for all the walking we did. Bobby got his annual Lemon Shake Up drink, and the girls and I chowed on some popcorn one of the posts was offering for free. Free is always a pleasant surprise!
The girls agree that getting to pet the horses was the funnest part of the night. But they also had a blast riding the swings.
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