Joshua 24:15

...But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The A.R.K. Project: Day 4

Ok, honesty time.  It is really hard to think of ways to show kindness when you don't leave your house!  I think our summer project might just turn into a 'whenever we leave our house' project, rather than an everyday project.  We'll have to see if we can get better at this as time goes by. 

Today, we did leave our house and we were able to perform a kindness act!  It was a very unexpected, and unplanned moment and I think that made it just a little extra special.  Today we had to grab a few groceries from our local Walmart.  While we were checking out, our cashier (who's name was Patty) was very friendly.  She made us laugh, entertained the girls, price matched a few of our items to save us money (I didn't even have to ask her to) all in a matter of just a few minutes.  We all walked away smiling.  As we were headed towards the exit, one of the girls suggested that we tell her supervisor what a good job she was doing.  I agreed that this was an awesome idea!  We located the correct person, left a good word about Ms. Patty's personality and efficiency.  It's certainly not everyday that you get to leave Walmart in a better mood than when you arrived!

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